Bruno Stefanuto
AuthID: R-00K-YTN
TÃTULO: IoT-based Solution to Reduce Waste and Promote a Sustainable Farming Industry
AUTORES: Stefanuto, Bruno; Funchal, Gustavo; Melo, Victoria; Mendes, Andre; Raimundo, Delio; Gouveia, Helia; Coelho, Joao Paulo; Leitao, Paulo;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2023, FONTE: 9th IEEE World Forum on the Internet of Things (WF-IoT) - The Blue Planet - A Marriage of Sea and Space in 2023 IEEE 9TH WORLD FORUM ON INTERNET OF THINGS, WF-IOT
AUTORES: Stefanuto, Bruno; Funchal, Gustavo; Melo, Victoria; Mendes, Andre; Raimundo, Delio; Gouveia, Helia; Coelho, Joao Paulo; Leitao, Paulo;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2023, FONTE: 9th IEEE World Forum on the Internet of Things (WF-IoT) - The Blue Planet - A Marriage of Sea and Space in 2023 IEEE 9TH WORLD FORUM ON INTERNET OF THINGS, WF-IOT