Mugdha Jadhao
AuthID: R-00M-04E
TÃTULO: COIN: Combinational Intelligent Networks
AUTORES: Miranda, Igor D. S.; Arora, Aman; Susskind, Zachary; Souza, Josias S. A.; Jadhao, Mugdha P.; Villon, Luis A. Q.; Dutra, Diego L. C.; Lima, Priscila M. V.; Franca, Felipe M. G.; Breternitz, Mauricio, Jr.; John, Lizy K.;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2023, FONTE: 34th IEEE International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP) in 2023 IEEE 34TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLICATION-SPECIFIC SYSTEMS, ARCHITECTURES AND PROCESSORS, ASAP, VOLUME: 2023-July
AUTORES: Miranda, Igor D. S.; Arora, Aman; Susskind, Zachary; Souza, Josias S. A.; Jadhao, Mugdha P.; Villon, Luis A. Q.; Dutra, Diego L. C.; Lima, Priscila M. V.; Franca, Felipe M. G.; Breternitz, Mauricio, Jr.; John, Lizy K.;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2023, FONTE: 34th IEEE International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP) in 2023 IEEE 34TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLICATION-SPECIFIC SYSTEMS, ARCHITECTURES AND PROCESSORS, ASAP, VOLUME: 2023-July