Raul Manuel Mendes Dionisio
AuthID: R-002-KQD
TÃTULO: Preliminary Studies and Test Results of a Superconducting Hysteresis Motor with Multiphase Windings and Variable Number of Magnetic Poles
AUTORES: Raul Dionisio; Joao Murta Pina; David Inacio; Amadeu Leao Rodrigues;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2013, FONTE: 4th IFIP WG 5.5/SOCOLNET Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, DoCEIS 2013 in TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION FOR THE INTERNET OF THINGS, VOLUME: 394
AUTORES: Raul Dionisio; Joao Murta Pina; David Inacio; Amadeu Leao Rodrigues;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2013, FONTE: 4th IFIP WG 5.5/SOCOLNET Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, DoCEIS 2013 in TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION FOR THE INTERNET OF THINGS, VOLUME: 394