Safety Evaluation of Food Enzyme Glucan 1,4-Α-Maltohydrolase Produced with a Genetically Modified Bacillus Subtilis (Strain Mam)

Silano V.
Bolognesi C.
Castle L.
Chipman K.
Cravedi J.P.
Fowler P.
Franz R.
Grob K.
Gürtler R.
Husøy T.
Marcon F.
Penninks A.
Smith A.
Arcella D.
Kovalkovičová N.
Liu Y.
Maia J.
Engel K.H.
Document Type
Year published
in EFSA Journal, ISSN: 1831-4732
Volume: 16, Issue: 5
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85062108914
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1831-4732
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Silano V.;   2 Bolognesi C.;   3 Castle L.;
4 Chipman K.;   5 Cravedi J.P.;   6 Fowler P.;
7 Franz R.;   8 Grob K.;   9 Gürtler R.;
10 Husøy T.;   11 Kärenlampi S.;   12 Mennes W.;
13 Milana M.R.;   14 Pfaff K.;   15 Riviere G.;
16 Srinivasan J.;   17 Tavares Poças M.d.F.;   18 Tlustos C.;
19 Wölfle D.;   20 Zorn H.;   21 Herman L.;
22 Jany K.D.;   23 Marcon F.;   24 Penninks A.;
25 Smith A.;   26 Arcella D.;   27 Gomes A.;
28 Kovalkovičová N.;   29 Liu Y.;   30 Maia J.;
31 Engel K.H.;