in 2012 IEEE 51ST ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL (CDC) in IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, ISSN: 0191-2216
Páginas: 5215-5220 (6)
51St Ieee Annual Conference on Decision and Control (Cdc), Date: DEC 10-13, 2012, Location: HI, Patrocinadores: IEEE, Soc Ind & Appl Math, Inst Operat Res Management Sci, Japanese Soc Instrument & Control Engineers, European Union Control Assoc, Int Federat Automat Control, Elsevier, GE Global Res, MathWorks, Springer, Univ Hawaii Manoa, Coll Engn, Univ Texas Dallas, Journal Franklin Inst, Engn & Appl Math, Taylor & Francis Grp, Visual Solut, Wolfram Res