Familial Hypercholesterolaemia: A Global Call to Arms

Kondapally Seshasai, SR
Cole, D
Hovingh, GK
Kastelein, JJ
Mata, P
Raal, FJ
Santos, RD
Soran, H
Watts, GF
O'Donoghue, JM
Sahebkar, A
Schunkert, H
Shehab, A
Stoll, M
Su, T
Susekov, A
Widén, E
Catapano, AL
Ray, KK
Document Type
Year published
in Atherosclerosis, ISSN: 0021-9150
Volume: 243, Issue: 1, Pages: 257-259
Publication Identifiers
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ISSN: 0021-9150
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Vallejo-Vaz, AJ;   2 Kondapally Seshasai, SR;   3 Cole, D;
4 Hovingh, GK;   5 Kastelein, JJ;   6 Mata, P;
7 Raal, FJ;   8 Santos, RD;   9 Soran, H;
10 Watts, GF;   11 Abifadel, M;   12 Aguilar-Salinas, CA;
13 Akram, A;   14 Alnouri, F;   15 Alonso, R;
16 Al-Rasadi, K;   17 Banach, M;   18 Bogsrud, MP;
19 Bourbon, M;   20 Bruckert, E;   21 Car, J;
22 Corral, P;   23 Descamps, O;   24 Dieplinger, H;
25 Durst, R;   26 Freiberger, T;   27 Gaspar, IM;
28 Genest, J;   29 Harada-Shiba, M;   30 Jiang, L;
31 Kayikcioglu, M;   32 Lam, CS;   33 Latkovskis, G;
34 Laufs, U;   35 Liberopoulos, E;   36 Nilsson, L;
37 Nordestgaard, BG;   38 O'Donoghue, JM;   39 Sahebkar, A;
40 Schunkert, H;   41 Shehab, A;   42 Stoll, M;
43 Su, T;   44 Susekov, A;   45 Widén, E;
46 Catapano, AL;   47 Ray, KK;