Koolen-De Vries Syndrome - National Case Series with Clinical and Molecular Characterization

Soares, MP
Rodrigues, M
Dupont, J
Medeira, A
Freixo, J
Nunes, S
Cordeiro, I
Travessa, A
Soares, G
Fortuna, A
Silveira Santos, R
Custodio, S
Barreta, A
Serafim, S
Correia, H
Val, M
Rendeiro, P
Sousa, A
Sousa, AB
Document Type
Year published
in MEDICINE, ISSN: 0025-7974
Volume: 99, Issue: 9
23Rd Annual Meeting of the Portuguese-Society-Of-Human-Genetics, Date: NOV 14-16, 2019, Location: Coimbra, PORTUGAL, Sponsors: Portuguese Soc Human Genet
Publication Identifiers
Wos: WOS:000525865600107
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0025-7974
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Soares, MP;   2 Rodrigues, M;   3 Dupont, J;
4 Medeira, A;   5 Freixo, J;   6 Nunes, S;
7 Cordeiro, I;   8 Travessa, A;   9 Soares, G;
10 Fortuna, A;   11 Ramos, F;   12 Sa, J;
13 Rocha, S;   14 Figueiredo, C;   15 Mendonca, C;
16 Tapadinhas, F;   17 Silveira Santos, R;   18 Custodio, S;
19 Barreta, A;   20 Serafim, S;   21 Correia, H;
22 Val, M;   23 Carreira, IM;   24 Rendeiro, P;
25 Sousa, A;   26 Sousa, AB;