24Th International Conference on Information Visualisation, Iv 2020, Melbourne, Australia, September 7-11, 2020

shahi, FK
McK. Bannatyne, MW
Pires, JM
Datia, N
Nazemi, K
Kovalerchuk, B
Counsell, J
Agapiou, A
Dörner, R
Caruccio, L
Vitiello, A
Huang, W
Risi, M
Erra, U
Andonie, R
Ahmad, MA
Figueiras, A
Mabakane, MS
Document Type
Year published
in IV
Publication Identifiers
Dblp: conf/iv/2020
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Banissi, E;   2 shahi, FK;   3 Ursyn, A;
4 McK. Bannatyne, MW;   5 Pires, JM;   6 Datia, N;
7 Nazemi, K;   8 Kovalerchuk, B;   9 Counsell, J;
10 Agapiou, A;   11 Vrcelj, Z;   12 Chau, HW;
13 Li, M;   14 Nagy, G;   15 Laing, R;
16 Francese, R;   17 Sarfraz, M;   18 Bouali, F;
19 Venturini, G;   20 Trutschl, M;   21 Cvek, U;
22 Müller, H;   23 Nakayama, M;   24 Temperini, M;
25 Mascio, TD;   26 Sciarrone, F;   27 Rossano, V;
28 Dörner, R;   29 Caruccio, L;   30 Vitiello, A;
31 Huang, W;   32 Risi, M;   33 Erra, U;
34 Andonie, R;   35 Ahmad, MA;   36 Figueiras, A;
37 Mabakane, MS;