Beatriz Gullón Estévez
AuthID: R-004-VR8
TITLE: Valorization of horse chestnut burs to produce simultaneously valuable compounds under a green integrated biorefinery approach Full Text
AUTHORS: Patricia Gullón; Beatriz Gullón; Abel Muñiz Mouro; Thelmo A Lú Chau; Gemma Eibes;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: Science of the Total Environment, VOLUME: 730
AUTHORS: Patricia Gullón; Beatriz Gullón; Abel Muñiz Mouro; Thelmo A Lú Chau; Gemma Eibes;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: Science of the Total Environment, VOLUME: 730
TITLE: Pomegranate Peel as Suitable Source of High-Added Value Bioactives: Tailored Functionalized Meat Products Full Text
AUTHORS: Patricia Gullón; Gonzalo Astray; Beatriz Gullón; Igor Tomasevic; José M Lorenzo;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: Molecules, VOLUME: 25, ISSUE: 12
AUTHORS: Patricia Gullón; Gonzalo Astray; Beatriz Gullón; Igor Tomasevic; José M Lorenzo;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: Molecules, VOLUME: 25, ISSUE: 12
TITLE: Humulus lupulus L. as a natural source of functional biomolecules
AUTHORS: Gonzalo Astray; Patricia Gullón; Beatriz Gullón; Paulo E S Munekata; José M Lorenzo;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: Applied Sciences (Switzerland), VOLUME: 10, ISSUE: 15
AUTHORS: Gonzalo Astray; Patricia Gullón; Beatriz Gullón; Paulo E S Munekata; José M Lorenzo;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: Applied Sciences (Switzerland), VOLUME: 10, ISSUE: 15
TITLE: Xylooligosaccharides from steam-exploded barley straw: Structural features and assessment of bifidogenic properties Full Text
AUTHORS: Cristina Álvarez; Alberto González; José Luis Alonso; Felicia Sáez; María José Negro; Beatriz Gullón;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: Food and Bioproducts Processing, VOLUME: 124
AUTHORS: Cristina Álvarez; Alberto González; José Luis Alonso; Felicia Sáez; María José Negro; Beatriz Gullón;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: Food and Bioproducts Processing, VOLUME: 124
TITLE: Valorization of by-products from olive oil industry and added-value applications for innovative functional foods Full Text
AUTHORS: Patricia Gullón; Beatriz Gullón; Gonzalo Astray; María Carpena; María Fraga Corral; Miguel A Prieto; Jesus Simal Gandara;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: Food Research International, VOLUME: 137
AUTHORS: Patricia Gullón; Beatriz Gullón; Gonzalo Astray; María Carpena; María Fraga Corral; Miguel A Prieto; Jesus Simal Gandara;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: Food Research International, VOLUME: 137
TITLE: Phoenix dactylifera products in human health – A review Full Text
AUTHORS: Noemí Echegaray; Mirian Pateiro; Beatriz Gullón; Ryszard Amarowicz; Jane M Misihairabgwi; José M Lorenzo;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: Trends in Food Science and Technology, VOLUME: 105
AUTHORS: Noemí Echegaray; Mirian Pateiro; Beatriz Gullón; Ryszard Amarowicz; Jane M Misihairabgwi; José M Lorenzo;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: Trends in Food Science and Technology, VOLUME: 105
TITLE: Natural antioxidants from seeds and their application in meat products
AUTHORS: Paulo E S Munekata; Beatriz Gullón; Mirian Pateiro; Igor Tomasevic; Ruben Domínguez; José M Lorenzo;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: Antioxidants, VOLUME: 9, ISSUE: 9
AUTHORS: Paulo E S Munekata; Beatriz Gullón; Mirian Pateiro; Igor Tomasevic; Ruben Domínguez; José M Lorenzo;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: Antioxidants, VOLUME: 9, ISSUE: 9
TITLE: Valorisation of exhausted olive pomace by an ecofriendly solvent extraction process of natural antioxidants
AUTHORS: Irene Gómez Cruz; Cristóbal Cara; Inmaculada Romero; Eulogio Castro; Beatriz Gullón;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: Antioxidants, VOLUME: 9, ISSUE: 10
AUTHORS: Irene Gómez Cruz; Cristóbal Cara; Inmaculada Romero; Eulogio Castro; Beatriz Gullón;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: Antioxidants, VOLUME: 9, ISSUE: 10
TITLE: Green and sustainable synthesis of oligorutin using an enzymatic membrane reactor: Process optimization Full Text
AUTHORS: Abel Muñiz Mouro; Beatriz Gullón; Thelmo A Lu Chau; Gemma Eibes;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: Food and Bioproducts Processing, VOLUME: 124
AUTHORS: Abel Muñiz Mouro; Beatriz Gullón; Thelmo A Lu Chau; Gemma Eibes;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: Food and Bioproducts Processing, VOLUME: 124
TITLE: Multiproduct biorefinery from vine shoots: Bio-ethanol and lignin production
AUTHORS: Izaskun Dávila; Beatriz Gullón; Jalel Labidi; Patricia Gullón;
PUBLISHED: 2019, SOURCE: Renewable Energy, VOLUME: 142
AUTHORS: Izaskun Dávila; Beatriz Gullón; Jalel Labidi; Patricia Gullón;
PUBLISHED: 2019, SOURCE: Renewable Energy, VOLUME: 142