Ron Johannes Carolus Maria Salden
AuthID: R-000-Z99
TITLE: Effectiveness of cognitive-load based adaptive instruction in genetics education Full Text
AUTHORS: Mihalca, L; Salden, RJCM; Corbalan, G; Paas, F; Miclea, M;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Computers in Human Behavior, VOLUME: 27, ISSUE: 1
AUTHORS: Mihalca, L; Salden, RJCM; Corbalan, G; Paas, F; Miclea, M;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Computers in Human Behavior, VOLUME: 27, ISSUE: 1
TITLE: Effects of different ratios of worked solution steps and problem solving opportunities on cognitive load and learning outcomes Full Text
AUTHORS: Schwonke, R; Renkl, A; Salden, R; Aleven, V;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Computers in Human Behavior, VOLUME: 27, ISSUE: 1
AUTHORS: Schwonke, R; Renkl, A; Salden, R; Aleven, V;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Computers in Human Behavior, VOLUME: 27, ISSUE: 1
TITLE: The expertise reversal effect and worked examples in tutored problem solving Full Text
AUTHORS: Salden, RJCM; Aleven, V; Schwonke, R; Renkl, A;
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: Instructional Science, VOLUME: 38, ISSUE: 3
AUTHORS: Salden, RJCM; Aleven, V; Schwonke, R; Renkl, A;
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: Instructional Science, VOLUME: 38, ISSUE: 3
TITLE: Accounting for Beneficial Effects of Worked Examples in Tutored Problem Solving Full Text
AUTHORS: Salden, RJCM; Koedinger, KR; Renkl, A; Aleven, V; McLaren, BM;
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: Educational Psychology Review, VOLUME: 22, ISSUE: 4
AUTHORS: Salden, RJCM; Koedinger, KR; Renkl, A; Aleven, V; McLaren, BM;
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: Educational Psychology Review, VOLUME: 22, ISSUE: 4
TITLE: Worked Examples and Tutored Problem Solving: Redundant or Synergistic Forms of Support? Full Text
AUTHORS: Salden, RJCM; Aleven, VAWMM; Renkl, A; Schwonke, R;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: Topics in Cognitive Science, VOLUME: 1, ISSUE: 1
AUTHORS: Salden, RJCM; Aleven, VAWMM; Renkl, A; Schwonke, R;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: Topics in Cognitive Science, VOLUME: 1, ISSUE: 1
TITLE: Are worked examples and tutored problem solving synergistic forms of support?
AUTHORS: Salden, R; Aleven, V; Schwonke, R; Renkl, A;
PUBLISHED: 2008, SOURCE: International Perspectives in the Learning Sciences: Cre8ing a Learning World - 8th International Conference for the Learning Sciences, ICLS 2008 in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference, CSCL, ISSUE: PART 3
AUTHORS: Salden, R; Aleven, V; Schwonke, R; Renkl, A;
PUBLISHED: 2008, SOURCE: International Perspectives in the Learning Sciences: Cre8ing a Learning World - 8th International Conference for the Learning Sciences, ICLS 2008 in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference, CSCL, ISSUE: PART 3


TITLE: A comparison of approaches to learning task selection in the training of complex cognitive skills Full Text
AUTHORS: Salden, RJCM; Paas, F; Van Merrienboer, JJG;
PUBLISHED: 2006, SOURCE: Computers in Human Behavior, VOLUME: 22, ISSUE: 3
AUTHORS: Salden, RJCM; Paas, F; Van Merrienboer, JJG;
PUBLISHED: 2006, SOURCE: Computers in Human Behavior, VOLUME: 22, ISSUE: 3
TITLE: Dynamic task selection in flight management system training Full Text
AUTHORS: Salden, RJCM; Paas, F; Van Der Pal, J; Van Merrienboer, JJG;
PUBLISHED: 2006, SOURCE: International Journal of Aviation Psychology, VOLUME: 16, ISSUE: 2
AUTHORS: Salden, RJCM; Paas, F; Van Der Pal, J; Van Merrienboer, JJG;
PUBLISHED: 2006, SOURCE: International Journal of Aviation Psychology, VOLUME: 16, ISSUE: 2
TITLE: Personalised adaptive task selection in air traffic control: Effects on training efficiency and transfer Full Text
AUTHORS: Salden, RJCM; Paas, F; van Merrienboer, JJG;
PUBLISHED: 2006, SOURCE: Learning and Instruction, VOLUME: 16, ISSUE: 4
AUTHORS: Salden, RJCM; Paas, F; van Merrienboer, JJG;
PUBLISHED: 2006, SOURCE: Learning and Instruction, VOLUME: 16, ISSUE: 4