TÍTULO: A Mobile Robot Platform for Open Learning based on Serious Games and Remote Laboratories
AUTORES: Iturrate, I; Martin, G; Garcia Zubia, J; Angulo, I; Dziabenko, O; Orduna, P; Gustavo R. Alves ; Fidalgo, A ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2013, FONTE: 1st International Conference of the Portuguese-Society-for-Engineering-Education (CISPEE) in 2013 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE PORTUGUESE SOCIETY FOR ENGINEERING EDUCATION (CISPEE)
INDEXADO EM: Scopus WOS CrossRef Handle
TÍTULO: A Remote Lab for Projectile Launch Experiments: Professional and academic perspectives
AUTORES: Gustavo R. Alves ; Arcelina Marques ; Carlos Paiva; Pedro Nogueira; Pedro Guimaraes; Ruben Couto; Laryssa Cherem; Vitor Borba; Golberi Ferreira; Stefan Koch; Andreas Pester;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2013, FONTE: 10th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV) in 2013 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON REMOTE ENGINEERING AND VIRTUAL INSTRUMENTATION (REV)
INDEXADO EM: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 3
TÍTULO: A tool to aid institutions recognize their employees competences acquired by informal learning
AUTORES: Garcia Penalvo, FJ; Zangrando, V; Holgado, AG; Conde Gonzalez, MA ; Seoane Pardo, AM; Alier, M; Galanis, N; Lopez, J; Janssen, J; Brouns, F; Finders, A; Berlanga, A; Sloep, P; Griffiths, D; Johnson, M; Waszkiewicz, E; Mykowska, A; Minovic, M; Milovanovic, M; Marques, MA; Viegas, MC ; Gustavo R. Alves ; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2013, FONTE: 8th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2013 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), VOLUME: 8095 LNCS
INDEXADO EM: Scopus DBLP CrossRef: 4
TÍTULO: Design state exploration applied to the development of a remote lab for projectile launch experiments  Full Text
AUTORES: Gustavo R. Alves ; Marques, A; Paiva, C; Nogueira, P; Guimaraes, P; Couto, R; Cherem, L; Borba, V; Ferreira, G; Koch, S; Pester, A;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2013, FONTE: International Journal of Online Engineering, VOLUME: 9, NÚMERO: 3
INDEXADO EM: Scopus DBLP CrossRef: 1
TÍTULO: Educational application of Remote Experimentation for mobile devices
AUTORES: Willian Rochadel; Jose Pedro S Shardosim Simao; Juarez Bento da Silva; Gustavo R. Alves ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2013, FONTE: 10th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV) in 2013 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON REMOTE ENGINEERING AND VIRTUAL INSTRUMENTATION (REV), VOLUME: 6, NÚMERO: 3
INDEXADO EM: Scopus WOS DBLP CrossRef: 2
TÍTULO: Enhancing informal learning recognition through TRAILER project PDF
AUTORES: Miguel Ángel Conde González; Francisco García G Peñalvo; Valentina Zangrando; Alicia García Holgado; Antonio Seoane S Pardo; Marc Alier Forment; Nikolas Galanis; Dai Griffiths; Mark William Johnson; José Janssen; Francis Brouns; Hubert Vogten; Anton Finders; Peter B Sloep; Maria Arcelina Marques; Maria C Viegas; Gustavo R. Alves ; Elwira Waszkiewicz; Aleksandra Mykowska; Miroslav Minovic; Milos Milovanovic; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2013, FONTE: Proceedings of the Workshop on Solutions that Enhance Informal Learning Recognition, Paphos, Cyprus, September 18, 2013, VOLUME: 1039
TÍTULO: Enhancing informal learning recognition through TRAILER project
AUTORES: Conde, MA; Garcia Penalvo, FJ; Zangrando, V; Garcia Holgado, A; Seoane Pardo, AM; Alier, M; Galanis, N; Griffiths, D; Johnson, M; Janssen, J; Brouns, F; Vogten, H; Finders, A; Sloep, P; Marques, MA; Viegas, MC ; Gustavo R. Alves ; Waszkiewicz, E; Mykowska, A; Minovic, M; Milovanovic, M; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2013, FONTE: Workshop on Solutions that Enhance Informal Learning Recognition, WEILER 2013 - Co-located with 8th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, ECTEL 2013 in CEUR Workshop Proceedings, VOLUME: 1039
TÍTULO: Extending access to remote labs from mobile devices in educational contexts  Full Text
AUTORES: Rochadel, W; Silva, JB; Simao, JP; Gustavo R. Alves ; Marcelino, JP; Gruber, V;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2013, FONTE: International Journal of Online Engineering, VOLUME: 9, NÚMERO: SPL.ISSUE3
INDEXADO EM: Scopus DBLP CrossRef: 4
TÍTULO: Impact of different Moodle Course Designs on Students' Performance  Full Text
AUTORES: Gustavo R. Alves ; Maria C Viegas ; Maria Arcelina Marques ; Maria Costa C Lobo; Antonio A Silva; Francieli Formanski; Juarez Bento da Silva;
TÍTULO: Managing Informal Learning in Engineering Contexts The learners' perspective
AUTORES: Clara Viegas ; Maria Marques ; Nikolas Galanis; Gustavo R. Alves ; Francisco Garcia Penalvo;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2013, FONTE: 1st International Conference of the Portuguese-Society-for-Engineering-Education (CISPEE) in 2013 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE PORTUGUESE SOCIETY FOR ENGINEERING EDUCATION (CISPEE)
INDEXADO EM: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 2
Página 17 de 26. Total de resultados: 253.