Pedro Miguel Rosas de Almeida Areal
AuthID: R-000-F1G
TÃTULO: The study of a parallel algorithm using the laminar backward-facing step flow as a test case
AUTORES: Areal, PM; Palma, JMLM ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 1999, FONTE: 3rd International Confernece on Vector And Parallel Processing (VECPAR 98) in VECTOR AND PARALLEL PROCESSING - VECPAR'98, VOLUME: 1573
AUTORES: Areal, PM; Palma, JMLM ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 1999, FONTE: 3rd International Confernece on Vector And Parallel Processing (VECPAR 98) in VECTOR AND PARALLEL PROCESSING - VECPAR'98, VOLUME: 1573
TÃTULO: Some results on a parallel version of the SIMPLE algorithm
AUTORES: Rouboa, A ; Palma, JMLM ; Areal, PM;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 1999, FONTE: Computer Technology - 1999 (The ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference) in American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP, VOLUME: 385
AUTORES: Rouboa, A ; Palma, JMLM ; Areal, PM;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 1999, FONTE: Computer Technology - 1999 (The ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference) in American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP, VOLUME: 385