Laboratory for Integrative and Translational Research in Population Health (ITR)
Laboratório Para a Investigação Integrativa e Translacional Em Saúde Populacional

Publications Actions
Publications at Authenticus Institutional Profile

An Authenticus institution (group) is an organization which consists of a set of researchers (institutional/group team). The set of researchers depends on the organizational structure of the institution per year and can be set at the institution profile, under ‘Researchers’ interface. Based on the institutional team we produce listings of publications, statistics and institutional reports. 

Publications displayed at an Authenticus institutional profile depend on two parameters:

  • Researchers team associated with the institution per year. 
  • Publications source type. 

We define 3 types of publication sources:

  • Validated by team members - includes all publications validated by team members. Requires the definition of the institutional team. 
  • All published by team members - includes all publications validated by the institution team members plus all not-validated (only identified) publications. Requires the definition of the institutional team. 
  • Affiliation Based - includes publications that have the institution/group in the publication affiliation. Does not require institutional team, but at the same time does not guarantee that all publications will be listed. 
External   Internal

Update Citation

No data about last update.
 This actions updates publications citations of every team member.
 Only validated by team members publications are included.
 Only the current year team is included in this action.>
 The action is executed in the background, thus the results are NOT immediate.
 This actions can be executed only once a month!

Update PrePrints

No data about last update.
 This actions updates all pre print publications of the group/institution.
 Only validated by current year team members publications are included.
 The action is executed in the background, thus the results are NOT immediate.
 This actions can be executed only once a day!

Publications Count: 10450

515 Team Members
Filters -> Year: 2025
TITLE: 3-Methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase deficiency: Mutational spectrum derived from comprehensive newborn screening  Full Text
AUTHORS: Fonseca, H; Azevedo, L ; Serrano, C; Sousa, C; Marcao, A; Vilarinho, L;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 13
TITLE: 4-Methylimidazole in soluble coffee and coffee substitutes
AUTHORS: Sara C Cunha; Senra, L; Cruz, R ; Susana Casal ; Jose O Fernandes ;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 17
TITLE: A 10-Year Retrospective Analysis of Methyl Aminolevulinate Photodynamic Therapy Consultation at the Hospital de Braga
AUTHORS: Celeste Brito; Cristina Resende; Pedro Oliveira ;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef
TITLE: A biopsychosocial approach to the interrelation between motherhood and women’s excessive weight
AUTHORS: Henriques, A ; AZEVEDO, ANA ;
PUBLISHED: 2016, SOURCE: Porto Biomedical Journal, VOLUME: 1, ISSUE: 2, PAGES: 59-64
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef: 1
TITLE: A Brief Course on Clinical Communication Skills: A Multi-Centered Study  Full Text
AUTHORS: Franco, C; Franco, R; Severo, M ; Ferreira, MA ;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 4
TITLE: A Case-Base Approach to Workforces' Satisfaction Assessment
AUTHORS: Ana Fernandes; Henrique Vicente; Margarida Figueiredo; Nuno Maia; Goreti Marreiros ; Mariana Neves; Jose Neves;
PUBLISHED: 2016, SOURCE: 10th IFIP WG 8.9. Working Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems (CONFENIS) in RESEARCH AND PRACTICAL ISSUES OF ENTERPRISE INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 10TH IFIP WG 8.9 WORKING CONFERENCE, CONFENIS 2016, VOLUME: 268, PAGES: 191-206
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef
TITLE: A century of trends in adult human height
AUTHORS: Bentham, J; Di Cesare, M; Stevens, GA; Zhou, B; Bixby, H; Cowan, M; Fortunato, L; Bennett, JE; Danaei, G; Hajifathalian, K; Lu, Y; Riley, LM; Laxmaiah, A; Kontis, V; Paciorek, CJ; Ezzati, M; Abdeen, ZA; Hamid, ZA; Abu Rmeileh, NM; Acosta Cazares, B; Adams, R; Aekplakorn, W; Aguilar Salinas, CA; Agyemang, C; Ahmadvand, A; Ahrens, W; Al Hazzaa, HM; Al Othman, AR; Raddadi, RA; Ali, MM; Alkerwi, A; Alvarez Pedrerol, M; Aly, E; Amouyel, P; Amuzu, A; Andersen, LB; Anderssen, SA; Anjana, RM; Aounallah Skhiri, H; Ariansen, I; Aris, T; Arlappa, N; Arveiler, D; Assah, FK; Avdicová, M; Azizi, F; Babu, BV; Bahijri, S; Balakrishna, N; Bandosz, P; Banegas, JR; Barbagallo, CM; Barceló, A; Barkat, A; Barros, MV; Bata, I; Batieha, AM; Batista, RL; Baur, LA; Beaglehole, R; Romdhane, HB; Benet, M; Bernabe Ortiz, A; Bernotiene, G; Bettiol, H; Bhagyalaxmi, A; Bharadwaj, S; Bhargava, SK; Bhatti, Z; Bhutta, ZA; Bi, H; Bi, Y; Bjerregaard, P; Bjertness, E; Bjertness, MB; Björkelund, C; Blokstra, A; Bo, S; Bobak, M; Boddy, LM; Boehm, BO; Boeing, H; Boissonnet, CP; Bongard, V; Bovet, P; Braeckman, L; Bragt, MCE; Brajkovich, I; Branca, F; Breckenkamp, J; Brenner, H; Brewster, LM; Brian, GR; Bruno, G; Bueno de Mesquita, HB; Bugge, A; Burns, C; De León, AC; Cacciottolo, J; Cama, T; Cameron, C; Camolas, J; Can, G; Cândido, APC; Capuano, V; Cardoso, VC; Carlsson, AC; Carvalho, MJ; Casanueva, FF; Casas, JP; Caserta, CA; Chamukuttan, S; Chan, AW; Chan, Q; Chaturvedi, HK; Chaturvedi, N; Chen, CJ; Chen, F; Chen, H; Chen, S; Chen, Z; Cheng, CY; Chetrit, A; Chiolero, A; Chiou, ST; Chirita Emandi, A; Cho, B; Cho, Y; Christensen, K; Chudek, J; Cifkova, R; Claessens, F; Clays, E; Concin, H; Cooper, C; Cooper, R; Coppinger, TC; Costanzo, S; Cottel, D; Cowell, C; Craig, CL; Crujeiras, AB; D’Arrigo, G; d’Orsi, E; Dallongeville, J; Damasceno, A; Damsgaard, CT; Dankner, R; Dauchet, L; De Backer, G; De Bacquer, D; de Gaetano, G; De Henauw, S; De Smedt, D; Deepa, M; Deev, AD; Dehghan, A; Delisle, H; Delpeuch, F; Deschamps, V; Dhana, K; Di Castelnuovo, AF; Dias da Costa, JS; Diaz, A; Djalalinia, S; Do, HTP; Dobson, AJ; Donfrancesco, C; Donoso, SP; Döring, A; Doua, K; Drygas, W; Dzerve, V; Egbagbe, EE; Eggertsen, R; Ekelund, U; El Ati, J; Elliott, P; Engle Stone, R; Erasmus, RT; Erem, C; Eriksen, L; Escobedo de la Peña, J; Evans, A; Faeh, D; Fall, CH; Farzadfar, F; Felix Redondo, FJ; Ferguson, TS; Fernández Bergés, D; Ferrante, D; Ferrari, M; Ferreccio, C; Ferrieres, J; Finn, JD; Fischer, K; Flores, EM; Föger, B; Foo, LH; Forslund, AS; Forsner, M; Fortmann, SP; Fouad, HM; Francis, DK; Do Carmo Franco, M; Franco, OH; Frontera, G; Fuchs, FD; Fuchs, SC; Fujita, Y; Furusawa, T; Gaciong, Z; Gafencu, M; Gareta, D; Garnett, SP; Gaspoz, JM; Gasull, M; Gates, L; Geleijnse, JM; Ghasemian, A; Giampaoli, S; Gianfagna, F; Giovannelli, J; Giwercman, A; Goldsmith, RA; Gonçalves, H; Gross, MG; González Rivas, JP; Gorbea, MB; Gottrand, F; Graff Iversen, S; Grafnetter, D; Grajda, A; Grammatikopoulou, MG; Gregor, RD; Grodzicki, T; Grøntved, A; Gruden, G; Grujic, V; Gu, D; Gualdi Russo, E; Guan, OP; Gudnason, V; Guerrero, R; Guessous, I; Guimaraes, AL; Gulliford, MC; Gunnlaugsdottir, J; Gunter, M; Guo, X; Guo, Y; Gupta, PC; Gureje, O; Gurzkowska, B; Gutierrez, L; Gutzwiller, F; Halkjær, J; Hambleton, IR; Hardy, R; Kumar, RH; Hata, J; Hayes, AJ; He, J; Hendriks, ME; Cadena, LH; Herrala, S; Heshmat, R; Hihtaniemi, IT; Ho, SY; Ho, SC; Hobbs, M; Hofman, A; Hormiga, CM; Horta, BL; Houti, L; Howitt, C; Htay, TT; Htet, AS; Htike, MMT; Hu, Y; Husseini, A; Huu, CN; Huybrechts, I; Hwalla, N; Iacoviello, L; Iannone, AG; Ibrahim, MM; Ikeda, N; Arfan Ikram, M; Irazola, VE; Islam, M; Ivkovic, V; Iwasaki, M; Jackson, RT; Jacobs, JM; Jafar, T; Jamil, KM; Jamrozik, K; Janszky, I; Jasienska, G; Jelakovic, B; Jiang, CQ; Joffres, M; Johansson, M; Jonas, JB; Jørgensen, T; Joshi, P; Juolevi, A; Jurak, G; Jureša, V; Kaaks, R; Kafatos, A; Kalter Leibovici, O; Kapantais, E; Kasaeian, A; Katz, J; Kaur, P; Kavousi, M; Keil, U; Boker, LK; Keinänen Kiukaanniemi, S; Kelishadi, R; Kemper, HCG; Kengne, AP; Kersting, M; Key, T; Khader, YS; Khalili, D; Khang, YH; Khaw, KTH; Khouw, IMSL; Kiechl, S; Killewo, J; Kim, J; Klimont, J; Klumbiene, J; Koirala, B; Kolle, E; Kolsteren, P; Korrovits, P; Koskinen, S; Kouda, K; Koziel, S; Kratzer, W; Krokstad, S; Kromhout, D; Kruger, HS; Kubinova, R; Kujala, UM; Kula, K; Kulaga, Z; Krishna Kumar, R; Kurjata, P; Kusuma, YS; Kuulasmaa, K; Kyobutungi, C; Laamiri, FZ; Laatikainen, T; Lachat, C; Laid, Y; Lam, TH; Landrove, O; Lanska, V; Lappas, G; Larijani, B; Laugsand, LE; Bao, KLN; Le, TD; Leclercq, C; Lee, J; Lee, J; Lehtimäki, T; Lekhraj, R; León Muñoz, LM; Li, Y; Lilly, CL; Lim, WY; Fernanda Lima Costa, M; Lin, HH; Lin, X; Linneberg, A; Lissner, L; Litwin, M; Liu, J; Lorbeer, R; Lotufo, PA; Lozano, JE; Luksiene, D; Lundqvist, A; Lunet, N ; Lytsy, P; Ma, G; Ma, J; Machado Coelho, GLL; Machi, S; Maggi, S; Magliano, DJ; Maire, B; Makdisse, M; Malekzadeh, R; Malhotra, R; Rao, KM; Malyutina, S; Manios, Y; Mann, JI; Manzato, E; Margozzini, P; Markey, O; Marques Vidal, P; Marrugat, J; Martin Prevel, Y; Martorell, R; Masoodi, SR; Mathiesen, EB; Matsha, TE; Mazur, A; Mbanya, JCN; McFarlane, SR; McGarvey, ST; McKee, M; McLachlan, S; McLean, RM; McNulty, BA; Yusof, SM; Mediene Benchekor, S; Meirhaeghe, A; Meisinger, C; Menezes, AMB; Mensink, GBM; Meshram, II; Metspalu, A; Mi, J; Michaelsen, KF; Mikkel, K; Miller, JC; Miquel, JF; Jaime Miranda, J; Mišigoj Durakovic, M; Mohamed, MK; Mohammad, K; Mohammadifard, N; Mohan, V; Yusoff, MFM; Molbo, D; Møller, NC; Molnár, D; Mondo, CK; Monterrubio, EA; Monyeki, KDK; Moreira, LB; Morejon, A; Moreno, LA; Morgan, K; Mortensen, EL; Moschonis, G; Mossakowska, M; Mostafa, A; Mota, J; Motlagh, ME; Motta, J; Mu, TT; Muiesan, ML; Müller Nurasyid, M; Murphy, N; Mursu, J; Murtagh, EM; Musa, KI; Musil, V; Nagel, G; Nakamura, H; Námešná, J; Nang, EEK; Nangia, VB; Nankap, M; Narake, S; Navarrete Muñoz, EM; Neal, WA; Nenko, I; Neovius, M; Nervi, F; Neuhauser, HK; Nguyen, ND; Nguyen, QN; Nieto Martínez, RE; Ning, G; Ninomiya, T; Nishtar, S; Noale, M; Norat, T; Noto, D; Nsour, MA; O’Reilly, D; Oh, K; Olayan, IH; Olinto, MTA; Oltarzewski, M; Omar, MA; Onat, A; Ordunez, P; Ortiz, AP; Osler, M; Osmond, C; Ostojic, SM; Otero, JA; Overvad, K; Owusu Dabo, E; Paccaud, FM; Padez, C; Pahomova, E; Pajak, A; Palli, D; Palloni, A; Palmieri, L; Panda Jonas, S; Panza, F; Parnell, WR; Parsaeian, M; Pecin, I; Pednekar, MS; Peeters, PH; Peixoto, SV; Peltonen, M; Pereira, AC; Pérez, CM; Peters, A; Petkeviciene, J; Peykari, N; Pham, ST; Pigeot, I; Pikhart, H; Pilav, A; Pilotto, L; Pistelli, F; Pitakaka, F; Piwonska, A; Plans Rubió, P; Poh, BK; Porta, M; Portegies, MLP; Poulimeneas, D; Pradeepa, R; Prashant, M; Price, JF; Puiu, M; Punab, M; Qasrawi, RF; Qorbani, M; Bao, TQ; Radic, I; Radisauskas, R; Rahman, MM; Raitakari, O; Raj, M; Rao, SR; Ramachandran, A; Ramke, J; Ramos, R; Rampal, S; Rasmussen, F; Redon, J; Reganit, PFM; Ribeiro, R; Riboli, E; Rigo, F; Rinke de Wit, TF; Ritti Dias, RM; Rivera, JA; Robinson, SM; Robitaille, C; Rodríguez Artalejo, F; Del Cristo Rodriguez Perez, M; Rodríguez Villamizar, LA; Rojas Martinez, R; Rojroong Wasinkul, N; Romaguera, D; Ronkainen, K; Rosengren, A; Rouse, I; Rubinstein, A; Rühli, FJ; Rui, O; Ruiz Betancourt, BS; Russo Horimoto, ARV; Rutkowski, M; Sabanayagam, C; Sachdev, HS; Saidi, O; Salanave, B; Martinez, ES; Salomaa, V; Salonen, JT; Salvetti, M; Sánchez Abanto, J; Sandjaja; Sans, S; Santos, DA ; Santos, O; Dos Santos, RN; Santos, R; Saramies, JL; Sardinha, LB; Sarrafzadegan, N; Saum, KU; Savva, SC; Scazufca, M; Rosario, AS; Schargrodsky, H; Schienkiewitz, A; Schmidt, IM; Schneider, IJ; Schultsz, C; Schutte, AE; Sein, AA; Sen, A; Senbanjo, IO; Sepanlou, SG; Shalnova, SA; Sharma, SK; Shaw, JE; Shibuya, K; Shin, DW; Shin, Y; Shiri, R; Siantar, R; Sibai, AM; Silva, AM; Silva, DAS; Simon, M; Simons, J; Simons, LA; Sjostrom, M; Slowikowska Hilczer, J; Slusarczyk, P; Smeeth, L; Smith, MC; Snijder, MB; So, HK; Sobngwi, E; Söderberg, S; Soekatri, MYE; Solfrizzi, V; Sonestedt, E; Song, Y; Sørensen, TIA; Soric, M; Jérome, CS; Soumare, A; Staessen, JA; Starc, G; Stathopoulou, MG; Staub, K; Stavreski, B; Steene Johannessen, J; Stehle, P; Stein, AD; Stergiou, GS; Stessman, J; Stieber, J; Stöckl, D; Stocks, T; Stokwiszewski, J; Stratton, G; Stronks, K; Strufaldi, MW; Sun, CA; Sundström, J; Sung, YT; Sunyer, J; Suriyawongpaisal, P; Swinburn, BA; Sy, RG; Szponar, L; Shyong Tai, E; Tammesoo, ML; Tamosiunas, A; Tang, L; Tang, X; Tanser, F; Tao, Y; Tarawneh, MR; Tarp, J; Tarqui Mamani, CB; Taylor, A; Tchibindat, F; Theobald, H; Thijs, L; Thuesen, BH; Tjonneland, A; Tolonen, HK; Tolstrup, JS; Topbas, M; Topór Madry, R; Torrent, M; Toselli, S; Traissac, P; Trichopoulou, A; Trichopoulos, D; Trinh, OTH; Trivedi, A; Tshepo, L; Tulloch Reid, MK; Tuomainen, TP; Tuomilehto, J; Turley, ML; Tynelius, P; Tzotzas, T; Tzourio, C; Ueda, P; Ukoli, FAM; Ulmer, H; Unal, B; Uusitalo, HMT; Valdivia, G; Vale, S; Valvi, D; van der Schouw, YT; Van Herck, K; Van Minh, H; van Rossem, L; van Valkengoed, IGM; Vanderschueren, D; Vanuzzo, D; Vatten, L; Vega, T; Velasquez Melendez, G; Veronesi, G; Monique Verschuren, WM; Verstraeten, R; Victora, CG; Viegi, G; Viet, L; Viikari Juntura, E; Vineis, P; Vioque, J; Virtanen, JK; Visvikis Siest, S; Viswanathan, B; Vollenweider, P; Voutilainen, S; Vrdoljak, A; Vrijheid, M; Wade, AN; Wagner, A; Walton, J; Mohamud, WNW; Wang, MD; Wang, Q; Wang, YX; Goya Wannamethee, S; Wareham, N; Weerasekera, D; Whincup, PH; Widhalm, K; Widyahening, IS; Wiecek, A; Wijga, AH; Wilks, RJ; Willeit, J; Wilsgaard, T; Wojtyniak, B; Wong, JE; Wong, TY; Woo, J; Woodward, M; Wu, FC; Wu, J; Wu, SL; Xu, H; Xu, L; Yamborisut, U; Yan, W; Yang, X; Yardim, N; Ye, X; Yiallouros, PK; Yoshihara, A; You, QS; Younger Coleman, NO; Yusoff, AF; Zainuddin, AA; Zambon, S; Zdrojewski, T; Zeng, Y; Zhao, D; Zhao, W; Zheng, Y; Zhou, M; Zhu, D; Zimmermann, E; Cisneros, JZ; ...More
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 259
TITLE: A cognitive monitoring program for individuals with Parkinson's disease submitted to deep brain stimulation  Full Text
AUTHORS: Fontao, L; Barreto, R; Ruano, L; Sousa, A; Martins, AI; Costa, A; Aires, A; Sousa, C; Lima, J; Pais, J; Rosas, MJ; Vaz, R; Cruz, VT ;
TITLE: A cost-efficiency and health benefit approach to improve urban air quality  Full Text
AUTHORS: Miranda, AI; Ferreira, J; Silveira, C; Relvas, H; Duque, L; Roebeling, P; Lopes, M; Costa, S; Monteiro, A; Gama, C; Sa, E; Borrego, C; Teixeira, JP ;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef Handle
TITLE: A decrease in inflammation associates with an improvement in iron status in obese children and adolescents  Full Text
AUTHORS: Susana Coimbra; Cristina Catarino ; Henrique Nascimento; Ana Ines Alves; Ana Filipa Medeiros; Bronze-da-Rocha E; Bronze E; Bronze-Rocha E ; Elisio Costa; Petronila Rocha Pereira; Luisa Aires; Andre Seabra; Jorge Mota; Helena Ferreira Mansilha; Carla Rego; Alice Santos-Silva ; Luis Belo;
PUBLISHED: 2016, SOURCE: Unit-for-Multidisciplinary-Research-in-Biomedicine Summit in MEDICINE, VOLUME: 95, ISSUE: 10
TITLE: A disaster never comes alone: total ostial occlusion of the left main coronary artery with an anomalous origin
AUTHORS: Patricia Rodrigues; Andre Luz ; Maria Joao Sousa; Bruno Brochado; Ines Silveira; Joao Silveira; Luisa Caiado; Paulo Palma; Henrique Carvalho; Severo Torres;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef
TITLE: A Eficácia de um Programa de Treino de Trampolins na Proficiência Motora de Crianças com Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo1  Full Text
AUTHORS: Carla Cristina Vieira LOURENÇO; Maria Dulce Leal ESTEVES ; Rui Manuel Nunes CORREDEIRA; André Filipe TEIXEIRA E SEABRA;
PUBLISHED: 2016, SOURCE: Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial - Rev. bras. educ. espec., VOLUME: 22, ISSUE: 1, PAGES: 39-48
TITLE: A idade e o tratamento endovascular do aneurisma da aorta abdominal. Estado da arte  Full Text
AUTHORS: Rui Machado; Gabriela Teixeira; Luís Loureiro; Pedro Oliveira ; Rui Almeida;
PUBLISHED: 2016, SOURCE: Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular, VOLUME: 12, ISSUE: 1, PAGES: 31-34
TITLE: A Mediterranean compared with 'burger and fries' meal improves autonomic nervous function  Full Text
AUTHORS: Moreira, R; Silva, D ; Pinto, M; Beltrao, M; Sokhatska, O; Severo, M ; Padrao, P ; Garcia Larsen, V; Delgado, L ; Moreira, A ; Moreira, P ;
PUBLISHED: 2016, SOURCE: Meeting of the European-Academy-of-Allergy-and-Clinical-Immunology in ALLERGY, VOLUME: 71, PAGES: 355-355
TITLE: A new approach to sex estimation using the mandibular canine index
AUTHORS: Silva, AM; Pereira, ML ; Gouveia, S ; Tavares, JN ; Azevedo, A ; Caldas, IM;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef Handle
TITLE: A pooled analysis of nivolumab for the treatment of advanced non-small-cell lung cancer and the role of PD-L1 as a predictive biomarker
AUTHORS: Aguiar, PN; Santoro, IL; Tadokoro, H; Lopes, GD; Filardi, BA; Oliveira, P ; Castelo Branco, P; Mountzios, G; de Mello, RA;
PUBLISHED: 2016, SOURCE: Immunotherapy, VOLUME: 8, ISSUE: 9, PAGES: 1011-1019
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef
TITLE: A Prediction Rule to Stratify Mortality Risk of Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis  Full Text
AUTHORS: Bastos, HN ; Osorio, NS; Castro, AG; Ramos, A ; Carvalho, T; Meira, L; Araujo, D; Almeida, L; Boaventura, R; Fragata, P; Chaves, C; Costa, P; Portela, M; Ferreira, I; Magalhaes, SP; Rodrigues, F; Sarmento Castro, R; Duarte, R ; Guimaraes, JT ; Saraiva, M;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 29 Handle

Results per Page: 20.
Page 241 of 523. Total results: 10450.