Carlos Jorge Ferreira Silvestre
AuthID: R-000-38X
TÃTULO: Filter design for localization aided by direction and Doppler measurements Full Text
AUTORES: Reis, J; Oliveira, P; Batista, P; Silvestre, C;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2014, FONTE: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2014 in Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
AUTORES: Reis, J; Oliveira, P; Batista, P; Silvestre, C;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2014, FONTE: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2014 in Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
TÃTULO: A hybrid feedback controller for robust global trajectory tracking of quadrotor-like vehicles with minimized attitude error Full Text
AUTORES: Casau, P; Sanfelice, RG; Cunha, R; Cabecinhas, D; Silvestre, C;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2014, FONTE: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2014 in Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
AUTORES: Casau, P; Sanfelice, RG; Cunha, R; Cabecinhas, D; Silvestre, C;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2014, FONTE: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2014 in Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
TÃTULO: A robust landing and sliding maneuver controller for a quadrotor vehicle on a sloped incline Full Text
AUTORES: Cabecinhas, D; Cunha, R; Silvestre, C;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2014, FONTE: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2014 in Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
AUTORES: Cabecinhas, D; Cunha, R; Silvestre, C;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2014, FONTE: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2014 in Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
TÃTULO: Output regulation for non-square linear multi-rate systems. OUTPUT REGULATION FOR NON-SQUARE LINEAR MULTI-RATE SYSTEMS Full Text
AUTORES: Duarte Antunes; João P Hespanha; Carlos Silvestre;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2014, FONTE: International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, VOLUME: 24, NÚMERO: 5
AUTORES: Duarte Antunes; João P Hespanha; Carlos Silvestre;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2014, FONTE: International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, VOLUME: 24, NÚMERO: 5
TÃTULO: A leader-following trajectory generator with application to quadrotor formation flight Full Text
AUTORES: Roldão, V; Cunha, R; Cabecinhas, D; Silvestre, C; Oliveira, P;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2014, FONTE: Robotics and Autonomous Systems, VOLUME: 62, NÚMERO: 10
AUTORES: Roldão, V; Cunha, R; Cabecinhas, D; Silvestre, C; Oliveira, P;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2014, FONTE: Robotics and Autonomous Systems, VOLUME: 62, NÚMERO: 10
TÃTULO: Attitude and earth velocity estimation - Part II: Observer on the special orthogonal group
AUTORES: Batista, P; Silvestre, C; Oliveira, P;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2014, FONTE: 2014 53rd IEEE Annual Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2014 in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, VOLUME: 2015-February, NÚMERO: February
AUTORES: Batista, P; Silvestre, C; Oliveira, P;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2014, FONTE: 2014 53rd IEEE Annual Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2014 in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, VOLUME: 2015-February, NÚMERO: February


TÃTULO: Trailer-like leader following trajectory planning
AUTORES: Pereira, P; Cunha, R; Cabecinhas, D; Silvestre, C; Oliveira, P;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2014, FONTE: 2014 53rd IEEE Annual Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2014 in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, VOLUME: 2015-February, NÚMERO: February
AUTORES: Pereira, P; Cunha, R; Cabecinhas, D; Silvestre, C; Oliveira, P;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2014, FONTE: 2014 53rd IEEE Annual Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2014 in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, VOLUME: 2015-February, NÚMERO: February


TÃTULO: Nonlinear observability and observer design through state augmentation
AUTORES: Viegas, D; Batista, P; Oliveira, P; Silvestre, C;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2014, FONTE: 2014 53rd IEEE Annual Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2014 in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, VOLUME: 2015-February, NÚMERO: February
AUTORES: Viegas, D; Batista, P; Oliveira, P; Silvestre, C;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2014, FONTE: 2014 53rd IEEE Annual Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2014 in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, VOLUME: 2015-February, NÚMERO: February


TÃTULO: Output synchronization of heterogeneous LTI plants with event-triggered communication
AUTORES: Almeida, J; Silvestre, C; Pascoal, AM;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2014, FONTE: 2014 53rd IEEE Annual Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2014 in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, VOLUME: 2015-February, NÚMERO: February
AUTORES: Almeida, J; Silvestre, C; Pascoal, AM;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2014, FONTE: 2014 53rd IEEE Annual Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2014 in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, VOLUME: 2015-February, NÚMERO: February


TÃTULO: A hybrid controller for global uniform exponential stabilization of linear systems with singular input constraints
AUTORES: Casau, P; Sanfelice, RG; Silvestre, C;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2014, FONTE: 2014 53rd IEEE Annual Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2014 in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, VOLUME: 2015-February, NÚMERO: February
AUTORES: Casau, P; Sanfelice, RG; Silvestre, C;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2014, FONTE: 2014 53rd IEEE Annual Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2014 in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, VOLUME: 2015-February, NÚMERO: February