Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Porto (FFUP)
Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade do Porto

University of Porto (UP)

Publications Actions
Publications at Authenticus Institutional Profile

An Authenticus institution (group) is an organization which consists of a set of researchers (institutional/group team). The set of researchers depends on the organizational structure of the institution per year and can be set at the institution profile, under ‘Researchers’ interface. Based on the institutional team we produce listings of publications, statistics and institutional reports. 

Publications displayed at an Authenticus institutional profile depend on two parameters:

  • Researchers team associated with the institution per year. 
  • Publications source type. 

We define 3 types of publication sources:

  • Validated by team members - includes all publications validated by team members. Requires the definition of the institutional team. 
  • All published by team members - includes all publications validated by the institution team members plus all not-validated (only identified) publications. Requires the definition of the institutional team. 
  • Affiliation Based - includes publications that have the institution/group in the publication affiliation. Does not require institutional team, but at the same time does not guarantee that all publications will be listed. 
External   Internal

Update Citation

No data about last update.
 This actions updates publications citations of every team member.
 Only validated by team members publications are included.
 Only the current year team is included in this action.>
 The action is executed in the background, thus the results are NOT immediate.
 This actions can be executed only once a month!

Update PrePrints

No data about last update.
 This actions updates all pre print publications of the group/institution.
 Only validated by current year team members publications are included.
 The action is executed in the background, thus the results are NOT immediate.
 This actions can be executed only once a day!

Publications Count: 6425

69 Team Members
Filters -> Year: 2024
TITLE: Characterization of Globally Spread Escherichia coli ST131 Isolates (1991 to 2010)
AUTHORS: Angela Novais ; Joao Pires; Helena Ferreira; Luisa Costa; Carolina Montenegro; Claudia Vuotto; Gianfranco Donelli; Teresa M Coque; Luisa Peixe ;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef
TITLE: Chemical characterization of chestnut cultivars from three consecutive years: Chemometrics and contribution for authentication  Full Text
AUTHORS: Barreira, JCM ; Susana Casal ; Ferreira, ICFR ; Peres, AM ; Pereira, JA ; Oliveira, MBPP ;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef Handle
TITLE: Chemiluminometric determination of captopril in a multi-pumping flow system  Full Text
AUTHORS: Sofia S M Rodrigues; Joao L M Santos ;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: 17th International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis including Related Techniques (ICFIA) in TALANTA, VOLUME: 96, PAGES: 210-215
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef
TITLE: Chiral pharmaceuticals in the environment  Full Text
AUTHORS: Ribeiro, AR ; Castro, PML ; Tiritan, ME ;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef Handle
TITLE: Chromatographic Methodologies for Analysis of Cocaine and Its Metabolites in Biological Matrices
AUTHORS: Maria Joo; Flix Carvalho; Maria de Lourdes Bastos; Mrcia Carvalho; Paula Guedes de Pinho ;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: Gas Chromatography - Biochemicals, Narcotics and Essential Oils
INDEXED IN: CrossRef: 1
TITLE: Citation patterns in Portuguese and Brazilian biomedical journals [Padrões de citação em revistas biomédicas Portuguesas e Brasileiras]. Citation patterns in Portuguese and Brazilian biomedical journals
AUTHORS: Lopes, SC; Santos, TS; Lopes, PF; Fernandez Llimos, F ;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: Revista portuguesa de cirurgia cardio-torácica e vascular : órgão oficial da Sociedade Portuguesa de Cirurgia Cardio-Torácica e Vascular, VOLUME: 19, ISSUE: 3, PAGES: 119-125
INDEXED IN: Scopus Handle
TITLE: Clinical and Forensic Signs Related to Cocaine Abuse
AUTHORS: Ricardo Jorge Dinis-Oliveira; Felix Carvalho ; Jose Alberto Duarte ; Jorge Brandao Proenca; Agostinho Santos; Teresa Magalhaes ;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: Current Drug Abuse Reviews, VOLUME: 5, ISSUE: 1, PAGES: 64-83
INDEXED IN: CrossRef: 22
TITLE: Clinical and forensic signs related to cocaine abuse
AUTHORS: Dinis Oliveira, RJ ; Carvalho, F ; Duarte, JA ; Proenca, JB; Santos, A ; Magalhaes, T ;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: Current Drug Abuse Reviews, VOLUME: 5, ISSUE: 1, PAGES: 64-83
TITLE: Clinical and forensic signs related to opioids abuse
AUTHORS: Dinis Oliveira, RJ ; Carvalho, F ; Moreira, R ; Duarte, JA ; Proenca, JB; Santos, A ; Magalhaes, T ;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: Current Drug Abuse Reviews, VOLUME: 5, ISSUE: 4, PAGES: 273-290
TITLE: Clinical and Forensic Signs Related to Opioids Abuse
AUTHORS: Ricardo Jorge Dinis-Oliveira; Felix Carvalho ; Roxana Moreira; Jose Alberto Duarte ; Jorge Brandao Proenca; Agostinho Santos; Teresa Magalhaes;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: Current Drug Abuse Reviews, VOLUME: 5, ISSUE: 4, PAGES: 273-290
INDEXED IN: CrossRef: 21
TITLE: Clinical Nephrology - Epidemiology II
AUTHORS: Agnes, H; Kalman, P; Jozsef, A; Henrik, B; Mucsi, I; Kamata, K; Sano, T; Naito, S; Okamoto, T; Okina, C; Kamata, M; Murano, J; Kobayashi, K; Uchida, M; Aoyama, T; Takeuchi, Y; Nagaba, Y; Sakamoto, H; Torino, C; Torino, C; Panuccio, V; Clementi, A; Garozzo, M; Bonanno, G; Boito, R; Natale, G; Cicchetti, T; Chippari, A; Logozzo, D; Alati, G; Cassani, S; Sellaro, A; D'arrigo, G; Tripepi, G; Roberta, A; Postorino, M; Mallamaci, F; Zoccali, C; Buonanno, E; Brancaccio, S; Fimiani, V; Napolitano, P; Spadola, R; Morrone, L; DI Iorio, B; Russo, D; Betriu, A; Martinez-Alonso, M; Vidal, T; Valdivielso, J; Fernandez, E; Bernadette, F; Jean-Baptiste, B; Frimat, L; Madala, ND; Thusi, GP; Sibisi, N; Mazibuko, BG; Assounga, AGH; N.-C Tsai; H.-H Wang; Y.-C Chen; C.-C Hung; S.-J Hwang; H.-C Chen; Branco, P; Adragao, T; Birne, R; Martins, AR; Vizinho, R; Gaspar, A; Grilo, MJ; Barata, JD; Bonhorst, D; Adragao, P; Kim, JS; Yang, JW; Kim, MK; Choi, SO; Han, BG; Nathalie, N; Sunny, E; Glorieux, G; Daniela, B; Fellype, B; Sophie, L; Horst D, L; Ziad, M; Raymond, V; Yanai, M; Okada, K; Takeuchi, K; Nitta, K; Takahashi, S; Morena, M; Jaussent, I; Halkovich, A; A.-M Dupuy; A.-S Bargnoux; Chenine, L; Leray-Moragues, H; Klouche, K; Vernhet, H; Canaud, B; J.-P Cristol; Shutov, A; Serov, V; Kuznetsova, J; Menzorov, M; Serova, D; Petrescu, L; Zugravu, A; Capusa, C; Stancu, S; Cinca, S; Anghel, C; Timofte, D; Medrihan, L; Ionescu, D; Mircescu, G; T.-W Hsu; K.-L Kuo; S.-C Hung; D.-C Tarng; Lee, S; Kim, I; Lee, D; Rhee, H; Song, S; Seong, E; Kwak, I; Holzmann, M; Gardell, C; Jeppsson, A; Sartipy, U; Solak, Y; Yilmaz, MI; Caglar, K; Saglam, M; Yaman, H; Sonmez, A; Unal, HU; Gok, M; Gaipov, A; Kayrak, M; Eyileten, T; Turk, S; Vural, A; DI Lullo, L; Floccari, F; Rivera, R; Granata, A; D'amelio, A; Logias, F; Otranto, G; Malaguti, M; Santoboni, A; Fiorini, F; Connor, T; Oygar, D; Nitsch, D; Gale, D; Steenkamp, R; Neild, GH; Maxwell, P; Louise Hogsbro, I; Redal-Baigorri, B; Sautenet, B; Halimi, JM; Caille, A; Goupille, P; Giraudeau, B; Solak, Y; Yilmaz, MI; Caglar, K; Saglam, M; Yaman, H; Unal, HU; Gok, M; Oguz, Y; Gaipov, A; Yenicesu, M; Cetinkaya, H; Eyileten, T; Turk, S; Vural, A; Y.-C Chen; H.-H Wang; N.-C Tsai; C.-C Hung; S.-J Hwang; H.-C Chen; Ishimoto, Y; Ohki, T; Sugahara, M; Kanemitsu, T; Kobayashi, M; Uchida, L; Kotera, N; Tanaka, S; Sugimoto, T; Mise, N; Miyazaki, N; Matsumoto, J; Murata, I; Yoshida, G; Morishita, K; Ushikoshi, H; Nishigaki, K; Ogura, S; Minatoguchi, S; Harvey, R; Harvey, R; Ala, A; Banerjee, D; Farmer, C; Irving, J; Hobbs, H; Wheeler, T; Klebe, B; Stevens, P; Selim, G; Selim, G; Stojceva-Taneva, O; Tozija, L; Stojcev, N; Gelev, S; Dzekova-Vidimliski, P; Pavleska, S; Sikole, A; Qureshi, AR; Evans, M; Stendahl, M; Prutz, KG; Elinder, CG; Tamagaki, K; Kado, H; Nakata, M; Kitani, T; Ota, N; Ishida, R; Matsuoka, E; Shiotsu, Y; Ishida, M; Mori, Y; Christelle, M; Rognant, N; Evelyne, D; Sophie, F; Laurent, J; Maurice, L; Silverwood, R; Pierce, M; Kuh, D; Savage, C; Ferro, C; Nitsch, D; Moniek, DG; De Goeij, M; Nynke, H; Gurbey, O; Joris, R; Friedo, D; Clayton, P; Grace, B; Cass, A; Mcdonald, S; Lorenzo, V; Martin Conde, M; Betriu, A; Dusso, A; Valdivielso, JM; Fernandez, E; Roggeri, DP; Cannella, G; Cozzolino, M; Mazzaferro, S; Messa, P; Brancaccio, D; De Souza Faria, R; Fernandes, N; Lovisi, J; Moura Marta, M; Reboredo, M; Do Vale Pinheiro, B; Bastos, M; Hundt, F; Hundt, F; Pabst, S; Hammerstingl, C; Gerhardt, T; Skowasch, D; Woitas, R; Lopes, AA; Silva, LF; Matos, CM; Martins, MS; Silva, FA; Lopes, GB; Pizzarelli, F; Dattolo, P; Tripepi, G; Michelassi, S; Rossi, C; Bandinelli, S; Mieth, M; Mass, R; Ferrucci, L; Zoccali, C; Parisi, S; Arduino, S; Attini, R; Fassio, F; Biolcati, M; Pagano, A; Bossotti, C; Ferraresi, M; Gaglioti, P; Todros, T; Piccoli, GB; Salgado, TM; Arguello, B; Benrimoj, SI; Fernandez-Llimos, F ; Bailey, P; Tomson, C; Ben-Shlomo, Y; Santoro, A; Rucci, P; Mandreoli, M; Caruso, F; Corradini, M; Flachi, M; Gibertoni, D; Rigotti, A; Russo, G; Fantini, M; Mahapatra, HS; Choudhury, S; Buxi, G; Sharma, N; Gupta, Y; Sekhar, V; Mahapatra, HS; Choudhury, S; Buxi, G; Sharma, N; Gupta, Y; Sekhar, V; Yanagisawa, N; Ando, M; Ajisawa, A; Tsuchiya, K; Nitta, K; Janusz, O; Mikolaj, M; Jacek, M; Boleslaw, R; Prakash, S; Coffin, R; Schold, J; Einstadter, D; Stark, S; Rodgers, D; Howard, M; Sehgal, A; Stevens, P; Irving, J; Wheeler, T; Klebe, B; Farmer, C; Palmer, S; Tong, A; Manns, B; Craig, J; Ruospo, M; Gargano, L; Strippoli, G; Ruospo, M; Palmer, S; Vecchio, M; Gargano, L; Petruzzi, M; De Benedictis, M; Pellegrini, F; Strippoli, G; Ohno, Y; Ishimura, E; Naganuma, T; Kondo, K; Fukushima, W; Mui, K; Inaba, M; Hirota, Y; Sun, X; Sun, X; Jiang, S; Gu, H; Chen, Y; XI, C; Qiao, X; Chen, X; Daher, E; Junior, GS; Jacinto, CN; Pimentel, RS; Aguiar, GBR; Lima, CB; Borges, RC; Mota, LPC; Melo, JVL; Melo, SA; Canamary, VT; Alves, M; Araujo, SMHA; Y.-C Chen; C.-C Hung; Huang, YK; N.-C Tsai; H.-H Wang; C.-C Hung; S.-J Hwang; H.-C Chen; Rogacev, K; Cremers, B; Zawada, A; Seiler, S; Binder, N; Ege, P; Grosse-Dunker, G; Heisel, I; Hornof, F; Jeken, J; Rebling, N; Ulrich, C; Scheller, B; Bohm, M; Fliser, D; Heine, GH; Robinson, B; Wang, M; Bieber, B; Fluck, R; Kerr, PG; Wikstrom, B; Krishnan, M; Nissenson, A; Pisoni, RL; Mykleset, S; Osthus, TB; Waldum, B; Os, I; Buttigieg, J; Buttigieg, J; Cassar, A; Farrugia Agius, J; Redal-Baigorri, B; Hara, M; Ando, M; Tsuchiya, K; Nitta, K; Yamato, M; Yasuda, K; Sasaki, K; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, VOLUME: 27, ISSUE: suppl 2
TITLE: Coffee roasting: Accurate control for increased bioactivity
AUTHORS: Susana Casal ;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: Coffee Consumption and Health, PAGES: 99-120
AUTHORS: Angela Fernandes; Joao C M Barreira; Anabela Martins; Isabel C F R Ferreira; Beatriz B P P Oliveira ; Amilcar L Antonio;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: 7th International Conference on Simulation and Modelling in the Food and Bio-Industry in 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SIMULATION AND MODELING IN THE FOOD AND BIO-INDUSTRY (FOODSIM 2012), PAGES: 77-79
TITLE: Comparative analysis of in vitro rat liver metabolism of the antimalarial primaquine and a derived imidazoquine
AUTHORS: Nuno Filipe de Sousa Vale ; Fernandes, I ; Moreira, R ; Mateus, N ; Paula Gomes ;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: Drug Metabolism Letters, VOLUME: 6, ISSUE: 1, PAGES: 15-25

Results per Page: 20.
Page 210 of 322. Total results: 6425.